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This page lists all the categories of quests in Morrowind. They are organized below first by type and faction (main quest, Great House quests, guild faction quests, other faction quests, miscellaneous quests, and expansion pack quests), then by related settlement. Quests can also be found on the specific articles for their locations.

Main Quest[edit]

  • Main Quest — Walkthrough for all parts of the Morrowind main quest

Great House Quests[edit]

Guild Faction Quests[edit]

Other Faction Quests[edit]

Miscellaneous Quests[edit]

  • Miscellaneous Quests — All quests not associated with the main quest, a great house, or another faction

Bloodmoon and Tribunal Quests[edit]

  • Bloodmoon — All quests added by the Bloodmoon expansion pack
  • Tribunal — All quests added by the Tribunal expansion pack

Settlement Quests[edit]

All quests starting in and related to settlements in Vvardenfell. "*" indicates there are no quests starting in these settlements, only related quests.

Cities Towns and Villages Imperial Forts Ashlander Camps

Unfinished Quests[edit]

Several quests are present in the game files but cannot be started. Details can be found here.

Quest Timing[edit]

Recommendations regarding which quests to complete early and which to save until later, as well as details regarding missable and conflicting quests, can be found here.