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Faith Lodge at Frontier Lodge

Faith Lodge is one of our newest buildings and houses our dining hall and a modern full service kitchen on the one floor and our chapel and arts&crafts room in the basement.
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A view of our dining room in Faith Lodge, campers sit in cabin groups a tables and are served family style. Meals are well planned and plentiful.
[Dining Hall]
Arts & Crafts is a busy place at camp. Campers have the opportunity to make everything from painted glass pictures and bracelets to paper mace masks and everything in between. Arts and Crafts can be done as part of an activity or during free time.
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Our Chapel is home to daily worship and teaching times, with awesome music and sing alongs, funny skits and drama presentations, meaningful talks and important decisions.

The Chapel also houses are welcome center where camp memorabilia, pictures, history books and other items from the last 70 years are displayed and available for visitors to pursue.

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