
Online:Igeke Rat-Bite

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Igeke Rat-Bite
Location South of the Sil-Var-Woad Abyssal Geyser
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Igeke Rat-Bite

Igeke Rat-Bite is a Nord member of a band of treasure hunters and distant cousins found south of the Sil-Var-Woad Abyssal Geyser.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Gjadil's Legacy: Retrieve a pirate's buried treasure and return it to her descendants.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Arrive at the campsite and you'll hear an argument in progress:

Drokagir the Lesser: "Well, someone had to kill her. Vareda didn't just up and die at the tender age of twenty-eight!"
Igeke Rat-Bite: "Stop squawking, you fat netch. You're just as likely the one that killed her!"
Drokagir the Lesser: "I did this then? When you're the one greedier than a starving horker?"
Sober Storn: "This is going nowhere. We'll never find the treasure if we keep killing each other!"

Speak to Igeke and she'll say:

"You walk in here on three skeevers arguing over a dead body, and decide you want to chat with one of them? You either got some kind of guts or you're some kind of stupid.
Either way, maybe you can help."
What happened here?
"A family squabble, of sorts. You see, one of these cozies went and killed Vareda.
Problem is, none of us are about to go treasure hunting with a murderer at our back. When killing for gold, you don't stop at one. Or so I hear."
You mentioned a treasure?
"Ancestor of ours, Gjadil the Keel-Hauler, cached her loot around here.
If you grab the chest for us, there's no chance for a sneak attack. The map over there will lead you right to it. And, obviously, I'll pay you for the trouble."
I'll collect the treasure chest for you.

When the quest has been accepted:

"Now, I know what you're probably thinking. "Look at these squabbling fools. Why don't I just take the treasure myself?"
Tough luck, that. The only thing that will crack the chest open is the blood of Gjadil's descendant. Thus, you'll need one of us."'
Tell me more about yourself. / Let's change topics. Tell me more about yourself.
"I'm known as Igeke Rat-Bite. It would serve you well to not forget that name, given that I'll one day have a legacy as epic as Gjadil herself."
Why are you called Igeke Rat-Bite?
"You saw my face, right? I got bit by a rat."
A rat did that?
"It was a big rat.
Don't worry, it's dead now."
Tell me about Gjadil the Keel-Hauler / All right then. Tell me about Gjadil the Keel-Hauler.
"She was an explorer. Sailed from Atmora all the way to Yokuda, despite half her crew falling mad along the way. She discovered new lands, new cultures. Shame so few heard of her.
Her greatest adventure was raiding the palace of King Orgnum himself."
Is that how she got the treasure?
"Right you are! Fled Pyandonea after, quick as a flash. Pa said the whole Maormer fleet came after her. Eventually they chased her right to this cove.
She fled to shore, clutching a single chest of treasure. Buried it before making her way back home."
And she enchanted it so that only her descendants could open it.
" 'The blood of my blood, willingly given.' That's how the enchantment goes.
You see, Gjadil wanted to settle down, have a few brats of her own. So the story was passed along, waiting for a descendant adventurous enough to set sail."

Return with the treasure and she'll ask:

"So? Were you able to find Gjadil's treasure?"
Here's the treasure chest.
"Huh. I always imagined it a tad … bigger. Well, if it's stuffed with diamonds, I guess it doesn't much matter what size the box is.
Thanks for grabbing it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to crack this beauty open."

From here, you can watch the most dysfunctional family in Tamriel:

Igeke Rat-Bite: "Now, let's see what we're working with here …."
Sober Storn: "Can't you bleed any faster, Igeke?"
Drokagir the Lesser: "Indeed! My being roils with anticipation!"
Igeke Rat-Bite: "What the—there's just a scroll in here! 'I sailed across many seas, and raided many ships. But the most precious treasure is family. May you see the wisdom in these words.'"
Sober Storn: "What? I came all this way for nothing? I can't believe I poisoned Vareda for a stupid scroll!"
Drokagir the Lesser: "Hold a moment—you killed Vareda? But I was the one who strangled her, right after she fell asleep!"
Igeke Rat-Bite: "Neither of you are making any sense. I stabbed her. Right after we doused the fire!"
Sober Storn: "Wait. Did—did we all kill Vareda to get a bigger share of the treasure?"
Drokagir the Lesser: "Ha! I suppose betrayal runs in the family!"

Speaking to her after the quest is completed:

"I can't believe I ever looked up to this loony crone. To think she would trick us all, just for some stupid moral lesson!
I just hope lunacy doesn't run in the family."'
So you wanted to become an explorer like Gjaldil?
"An explorer? No. I wanted to be a filthy rich pirate captain.
I was gonna use the treasure to put together a ship and crew. But thanks to Gjadil and her bleeding heart, I suppose that's not going to happen."
You could just join a pirate crew.
"A life of scrubbing decks and taking orders? No thanks.
You know, killing Vareda was pretty easy. Maybe I'll join the Dark Brotherhood. I just have to catch their attention, right? Yeah, I think I could do that."