Dark Brotherhood

Online:Mirabelle Motierre

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Mirabelle Motierre
Location Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood
Mirabelle Motierre

Mirabelle Motierre is a Breton member of the Dark Brotherhood. She and fellow Brotherhood member Cimbar are lovers. Although initially played out as a flirting and easy-going member of the guild, Mirabelle struggles to find peace after the events in A Lesson in Silence. She will also object to some of the decisions made by Astara; she feels left out when it comes to important contracts, and powerless to avenge Cimbar.

During A Special Request, Mirabelle, who has been working undercover at the castle of Anvil, will help you infiltrate the castle to complete your contract. Among other things you will learn from her that there are secret passages in the castle. In her servant role, she will also serve you and Fortunata wine when you celebrate the fulfilled contract.

During Dark Revelations, Mirabelle will carry out her own investigation of the Black Dragon although it is against Astara's orders.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Welcome Home[edit]

During the quest Welcome Home, you have the opportunity to talk to Mirabelle, who will comment,

"So you're the new initiate. Hmm. You're certainly cuter than the last one."
The Matron suggested I introduce myself.
"And why wouldn't she, darling? I am her favorite, after all. As a matter of fact, I'm everyone's favorite. I'm sure you'll agree soon enough.
Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you. May the Night Mother forever hold you in her cold and loving embrace."
Are you always this forward?
"Forward? Believe me, this is my shy and unimposing side. After all, we wouldn't want to give my beloved Cimbar the wrong idea, would we?
Find me later and I'll show you what forward really looks like."
Later? Where would you like me to meet you?
"Oh, you really are too easy, my darling! I'm just having some fun with you.
I suppose I get that from my family heritage. The Motierres are rich, powerful, and blessed with good looks and a wicked sense of humor. Just play along and enjoy."
You come from a noble family?
"Oh, there's nothing noble about my family. But I left all that behind. The wealth, the boredom, the servants waiting on me, hand and foot.
One day, I strangled my handmaid with a golden chain, and here I am. Life in the Brotherhood suits me."
What should I know about the Dark Brotherhood?
"You shouldn't know anything, darling. We're a secret organization, after all.
I suppose I can tell you that we serve the Night Mother. Her cold embrace binds us together. Never dishonor her. Our contracts aren't mere tasks—we carry out her will."
I'm still not sure how all this works.
"Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
These words, as part of a complex ritual, form the Black Sacrament. The means by which those in need pray to the Night Mother."
'And we consider that to be a contract?
"Our Mother hears the prayer and whispers to the Listener. The Listener sends a Speaker to arrange the details and create the contract. Then the Speaker selects an assassin to carry out our Mother's will.
It's more than just a job. It's a calling."
It sounds like the Brotherhood worships the Night Mother.
"This just got much too serious for my taste, darling. Let's talk about something, oh, I don't know, more decadent. Like how I'd be nibbling on your ear if Cimbar wasn't here.
He's watching, isn't he? Maybe a little nibble is in order, hmm …?"
So there have been other recruits lately?
"A few. The Speaker sends new initiates to the Sanctuary every so often. New blood, you understand.
Before you there was a charming young lad from Glenumbra. Van something, I believe. A shame, really. He was too scrumptious to die so soon."
I heard that a few members had been murdered.
"Mind your tongue, Initiate! We're the murderers, not the victims here.
But I suppose the circumstances were somewhat … unusual. Someone left Van pinned to the wall of the inn in Kvatch, held up with multiple daggers. When I find the villain …."
Sounds like someone's hunting the Brotherhood.
"You don't hunt the hunters! The Brotherhood hunts you. Anything else is a crime against the natural order!
But enough of this dark talk. We're just working ourselves into a tizzy. I'd much rather get excited about something more … enticing."

Speaking to her again before leaving:

"Back so soon, darling? I suppose I'd miss me, too, if I were gone too long."

Speaking to her after completing the quest:

"You're like a dark gift from the Night Mother herself."

Contract: Kvatch[edit]

Mirabelle, Cimbar and Green-Venom-Tongue can be found in the first chamber of the sanctuary, discussing the two recent murdered Brotherhood assassins:

Mirabelle Motierre: "I'll mist Durisa's overconfidence. But Van ... he was barely here. Where was he from?"
Cimbar: "Bruma, I think?"
Green-Venom-Tongue: "According to my notes, Van was from Glenumbra. He lived in Bruma for a few years prior to the Alliance War."
Cimbar: "You recorded all that about a Brother we knew for less than a month?"
Green-Venom-Tongue: "You didn't?"

A Lesson in Silence[edit]

After you have received orders from Astara and talk to Mirabelle, she is seemingly annoyed, saying,

"This is an absolute insult to Cimbar. The old Astara would never send other assassins to finish a job unless she knew the assassin had failed. We haven't even heard back from Cimbar yet. But I shouldn't question the Matron. She is our leader."
What do you mean?
"Killing the Grand Sermonizer is Cimbar's current contract. There's no reason to believe he won't complete the job. This paranoia … it doesn't suit us. We're better than this."
Maybe Astara just doesn't want to take chances with this one.
"It's true that removing the Grand Sermonizer would send a crucial message. The public needs to know that the loss of a few assassins does nothing to diminish us.
Just follow the Matron's orders. I'll keep my objections to myself."

She will also say,

"Advice? Just stay out of Cimbar's way and let him finish the job. But feel free to kill as many of those annoying street preachers as you like. I despise those wind bags. Just keep an eye out for the city guards. You're not ready to deal with them."

Before finishing the quest, Mirabelle will not be interested in any conversation, saying,

"Cimbar's dead. Do you really think I want to talk to you right now?"

If you notice, the male mannequin near her is now laying prone on the floor whereas before it was on it's knees.

Speaking to her after completing the quest:

"Have you talked to Kor? Seems his little wolf-girl has run off.
Will you ... see if you can help? Someone should go look for her before anything .. well, you know."

Questions of Faith[edit]

After Kor has requested your help to find Hildegard, you can talk to Mirabelle who will say,

"I hope you find her. Foolish girl, running off now of all times. Just bring her back."
Are you doing all right?
"I don't need you to look after me, Initiate. I've seen more death than most and sent more than my share to the Void."
But weren't you and Cimbar close?
"He was entertaining while he lasted. Perhaps even more so than some of my previous diversions. But that's all he was. What, do you think I loved him?
I learned long ago to discard such silly notions."
Do you think Hilde would really run away?
"The girl? I wouldn't think so. But the wolf, who can say? Hildegard is of two minds, and that can be both a blessing and a curse."

After you have helped Kor and Hildegard, you can talk to Mirabelle who will comment,

"Look at those two. You wouldn't know them for assassins of the Dark Brotherhood just by looking at them, that's for sure. Thanks for making sure this ended well."
Any thoughts on the current situation?
"I'm loath to admit it, but something strange is going on.
It's hard to believe that a single armored warrior in a scary helmet could be behind these troubles, though. It feels … bigger. Like we have enemies surrounding us, just waiting to attack."
What kind of enemies?
"That's just it. The Dark Brotherhood doesn't have a lot of enemies. We're just … business. Most prefer to stay on our good side or utilize us to their own ends. As long as they meet our price, we're happy to oblige.
Why destroy such a useful tool?"
'Maybe it's personal.
"Someone would need a lot of influence to go against us in such a brazen manner. I can't imagine who that would be.
Just watch the shadows while you're out and about. Seems we're not the only ones prowling them these days."

A Special Request[edit]

When you are eligible to take the quest, Mirabelle will comment, "Astara was looking for you, Initiate. Sounds like she has a special job for you. Ambitious, aren't you? Hasn't taken you long to catch the Matron's eye."

When you've accepted the task from Astara, Mirabelle will have some additional information for you, saying,

"A contract for Governor Fortunata, hmm? Don't let your guard down around her. She goes from all harm to all knives at the drop of a hat. I'll be working Anvil Castle myself for a while. Maybe I'll see you around."
You've got a contract at the castle?
"A contract? Not exactly. Astara had me infiltrate the castle staff a few months back, and I need to make an appearance every now and again if I want to maintain the ruse."
You're one of the Governor's handmaidens?
"Bite your tongue, Initiate! Better yet, let me do that for you.
Anyway, the Matron wants eyes and ears near Fortunata. Let's 
[sic] us know what's going on and gives us an opportunity should the need arise. Besides, no one ever notices the hired help."
So you know Anvil Castle well?
"Very well. I know things about that place that even Fortunata's guards don't know. Such as the secret passages. Great way to get around if you don't want to be noticed."
Mirabelle disguised as one of Governor Fortunata's servants

After you have received a second contract from Count Carolus in Kvatch and head back to Anvil castle, you can ask Mirabelle for advice. She is not expecting you, though, saying,

"I assume you have a reason for approaching me while I'm working. What is it? Are you trying to get me noticed? Wait a moment. Did you run into a problem with the Governor's contract? Did something go wrong?"
Contract's complete. I have a new one. I need to kill the Governor.
"Interesting. I knew we were going to eliminate the Pirate Queen eventually, but didn't expect that today would be the day.
Why the sudden change, I wonder?"
Count Carolus performed the Black Sacrament.
"He did? I'm impressed. I didn't think the old Count had it in him to ask the Night Mother for help.
First the Governor contracts you to perform a kill, then you get a contract to kill her. The Speaker must love this!"
Speaker Terenus told me to talk to you before I deal with the Governor.
"Of course he did. I've been studying the castle and the Governor's habits for months now.
She keeps a pantry on the upper level. I suggest a dose of poison. Drop it in her favorite decanter of wine and that should do the trick."
How do I reach her private pantry?
"The Governor's private pantry is on the top floor. The place is a maze, though, and the Red Sails guard the direct approach nine ways to Sundas. I'd use the secret passages in the eastern corridors. Just look for a red drape over an alcove."
There are secret passages in the castle?
"Naturally! Most castles have them. You just need to know where to look.
Once you pass through the entry hall, the guards will consider you a threat. If you want to avoid being seen, find a red drape and use the secret passages."
Is poison really the best option for this kill?
"The Speaker sent you to me, didn't he? I know Anvil Castle like the back of my hand. And I know the Governor.
Poison lets your target do all the work for you. And Fortunata can't resist any excuse to reach for a decanter of her favorite wine."
Since you know so much, why don't you just handle this contract?
"I'd love to put an end to her royal pain in the arse, but the Speaker gave this contract to you. I'm just here to offer advice.
Tell you what. After you poison Fortunata's wine, I'll stop by for the show. We can share a drink and watch her die."

Speaking to her again before departing:

"Poison. If you ask me, that's a fitting end for the Piraate Queen of Anvil.
Add it to a decanter of her favorite wine and then visit the Governor in her chambers. Tell her that you completed her contract and she's sure to share a drink with you."

Once you've poisoned her wine Mirabelle will show up on the balcony to serve it:

Fortunata: "I miss sailing the open sea. Things were more clear out there. Kill or be killed. Take whatever you can carry. Fight to keep what's yours. It's the same here, I suppose. We're just less honest about it."

Mirabelle will enter:

Mirabelle: "Your wine, Governor."
Fortunata: "Mirabelle? Where's Edwina?"
Mirabelle: "You know how clumsy Edwina can be, Governor. While she cleans up her mess, I brought your wine so you wouldn't be kept waiting."

Mirabelle will pour the poisoned wine for Fortunata, and Fortunata will walk to the balcony's edge.

Fortunata: "Initiative. I like that in a serving girl. Very well, then. A toast! To taking what you can and fighting to keep what's yours."

Fortunata will take a drink, and clutch her throat.

Fortunata: "The wine... What did you do?"
Mirabelle: "We'll drink to your memory, Governor. And to the glory of the Night Mother."
Fortunata: "Mirabelle? She's one of... you?'"
Mirabelle: "Life is fleeting, Fortunata. An illusion. And in the end, everything belongs to Sithis."

As Fortunata stumbles backward off of the balcony and falls to her death, Mirabelle will quip, "Tell him I said 'hello.'" To you, she'll say, "I'll see you back at the Sanctuary, darling. After I clean up any evidence of our involvement."

On the balcony you can speak to Mirabelle briefly before heading back to the Sanctuary: she'll say,

"Well, that's done. I'm just glad I was here to be a part of it. I never did like that glorified, over-important pirate. Now be a dear and get back to the Sanctuary. Let Astara know what happened."
Aren't you coming?
"I'll be along in a bit. I just want to make sure I can continue my role here after the dust settles and a new administration takes over.
If you need a way out, I'll happily let you in on my secret escape route. It's never failed me yet."
You have a secret escape route?
"Oh, darling, I have all kinds of secrets! And so did Fortunata.
There's a hidden passage in the Governor's suite that she used whenever she wanted to move about in a clandestine manner. I've used it a few times myself. Leads to a cave on the shore."
Thanks for the tip.
"You don't have to thank me. We're family, after all. But if you forget you saw me in these rags, I'd be ever so grateful.
Now get back to the Sanctuary and let Astara know that Fortunata is as dead as that stuffed chub loon she kept on her mantle."

Dark Revelations[edit]

When you approach Astara, you can see her arguing with a visibly upset Mirabelle (and Green-Venom-Tongue taking notes on their interaction).

Astara Caerellius: "You're too close to this one, Mirabelle. Besides, the Speaker has already decided."
Mirabelle Motierre: "Too close? They killed Cimbar, Astara! I'm going to be a part of this, whether you give the command or not."

Speaking to her before talking with Astara:

"I'm not in the mood, Assassin. Besides, I think the Matron wants to see you."

After accepting the task from Astara, you can talk to Mirabelle who is still upset, saying,

"Astara just gave you my mission, didn't she? Well, I can't say I'm surprised."
Astara said you had information for me.
"Did she? So I get to do all the work and you wind up with all the glory? I'm getting a little tired of sticking to the shadows all the time.
I'm sorry. Was there something else you wanted from me?"
<Remain silent.> / The information …?
"How typical! All right, listen closely.
Dasek Moor was a fort once, before it fell into ruin. The Count has a small camp there that he uses from time to time, though I haven't determined why. I guess we all have our secrets."
<Remain silent.> / Anything else?
"Hmm. Excuse my attitude, but you have to understand. Cimbar ….
Anyway, I've been hunting the Black Dragon. On my own. Got so close I could hear her voice. But I had to break off the hunt. I didn't want to wind up dead, you understand."
<Remain silent.>
"Well … right. I suppose that sounds cowardly to you, our newest Assassin. The pride and joy of the Matron and the Speaker both.
Your blade never dulls, does it, Assassin?"
Is that why Astara didn't give you this mission? / Why didn't Astara give you this mission?
"Isn't it obvious? She thinks I've lost my perspective. That I'm too sad or angry or whatever to do the job I've done a hundred times before.
Just promise that you won't tell Astara about any of this. She already thinks I'm reckless enough as it is."
<Remain silent.>
I'll keep your secret.
"I … appreciate your discretion. If Astara knew what I've been up to, she'd confine me for my own protection. We're assassins, damn it! We don't need protection!"
I'll go and speak to the Count now.
"One more thing. The last time I tracked the Black Dragon, I followed her past the Dasek Moor ruins toward the old Enclave of the Hourglass before I turned back.
Make sure the Count tells you what he knows about the Order of the Hour's old haunt."
Thanks for the information, Sister.
"Go on, Assassin. We both have things we need to do."

When you reach the Enclave of the Hourglass, Mirabelle will appear near the entrance and greet you by saying,

"Assassin! I hoped I might run into you here."
Mirabelle, what are you doing here?
"Who do you think you are to question my actions? If you must know, Astara sent me. To look into the Order of the Hour's activities.
Siege weapons, new recruits—they're building an army out here."
Astara sent you here?
"Saw right through that, did you? Astara didn't send me. That was a lie. I'm here without contract or permission.
I know this might be hard for you to understand, but I need to do this. For Cimbar."
What exactly are you planning to do?
"Just one thing. I need to find the Black Dragon and make her pay for what happened to Cimbar. I heard her voice and I'd recognize it anywhere. Are you going to stand in my way?"

You can respond in one of the three ways:

<Remain silent.>
"I don't expect you to understand and I don't want your help.
But those siege weapons and other preparations the Order is making, you should do whatever you can to destroy them and disrupt their operations."
No, but I have a task to complete, as well.
"Good. I didn't want to fight you about this.
By the way, you might want to deal with those siege weapons and other preparations the Order is making. Anything you can do to disrupt their operations will benefit the Brotherhood in the end."
You shouldn't face the Black Dragon alone.
"I don't expect you to understand and I don't want your help.
Those siege weapons and other preparations the Order is making, by the way. You should do whatever you can to destroy them and disrupt their operations."
I'll disrupt their preparations if I can.

Speaking to her again before departing:

"It was nice to get to know you, Assassin. And I know it was your pleasure to get to know me.
Be careful in there."

Deep inside the enclave, you'll meet an imperial woman called Lyra. She'll lead you into the Black Dragon's chambers, but she won't be there. As you read the Black Dragon's journal, Mirabelle suddenly appears:

Mirabelle killed by Lyra

As you read her journal, Mirabelle appears and whispers to you.

Mirabelle: "Psst! Assassin, up here! I'm waiting for the Black Dragon."
Lyra: "Setting a trap for the Dragon, is that the idea?"
Mirabelle: "Wait, who is that with you?"
<Lyra teleports up to Mirabelle and stabs her, shoving her off the ledge>
Lyra Viria: "I am death, you silly fool!"
<Lyra addresses you>
Lyra Viria: "We'll meet again, assassin, and next time I'll be ready to deal with you!"

Lyra, now you know is the Black Dragon, leaves. Mirabelle gasps:

Mirabelle Motierre: "Don't mourn for me, Assassin. I've always dreamed of the Void."
Mirabelle Motierre: "I'll see Cimbar and the Dread Father soon … but you need to warn Astara … the Black Dragon is …."

Mirabelle perishes.


  • She shares a last name with Francois Motierre of Oblivion and Amaund Motierre of Skyrim, both of whom are involved in the Dark Brotherhood questlines of their respective games.
  • Two mannequins can be found next to Mirabelle Motierre's bed in the sanctuary. After Cimbar dies, the male mannequin can be found toppled over on the ground. Later, after Mirabelle is killed, the female mannequin is in crying position and the male mannequin is back up, holding a battleaxe, guarding the female mannequin.