Tamriel Main
The World of Tamriel - Words: D
[the Words of Tamriel]
19 February 2011

This page lists various words and phrases that are a part of the world of Tamriel. The words are listed alphabetically and contain a brief description along with possibly a picture or how to pronounce it. If you can't find the word you're looking for, it may be listed under a certain topic under the Main Page. Please feel free to send any comments and suggestions, just Contact Me.

The name given to a large group of creatures orginating from the plane of Obvilion. This includes the Lesser Daedra, Fire, Frost, Daedra Seducers, Daedra Princes and Lords and even Daedra gods. In general the daedra are a dangerous opponent and are generally avoided at all costs. It is most probable that daimon is a mispelling of daedra, the old Elvish word for the strange, powerful creatures of uncertain motivation who come from the dimension of Oblivion. The Khajiit know them as dro-m'Arthra or dark spirits. See also the Daedra in the monster section.
A short, thrusting, blade that is quick use and easy to conceal.
A massive, two-hand, long blade chopping weapon similar in size to the Claymore, and in design to the smaller Katana.
Dark Elf
Also known as Moriche, Drow or commonly Dunmer in the Elven tongue. The name given to those from the province of Morrowind. The Dunmeri are one of the less favourable elf sub-species, mainly due to their dark appearance. Their eyes are almost invariably red in color which is great contrast to their dark-gray skin and black hair and are aptly suited to their harsh environment in Morrowind. The origins of these Elves are questions which have yet to find suitable answers. It is assumed that the Dunmer split off from the original trunk of the Elven race many eons ago as they do bear an unquestionable resemblence to the other Mer of Tamriel. Although few leave their home province their unmistakably appearance is recognized by all and, like all Elves, they tend to be tall and gaunt. Dunmer extend the Elven haughtiness to an extreme and view humans and the other non-Elven inhabitants of Tamriel as no better than beasts fit only to serve as slaves. They even consider themselves superior to the other Elves and view them as effete and decadent specimans of the pure Elven race. The earliest human records concerning Dark Elves originate from the Nords who gave the region the name Dunmereth although the Dunmer themselves refered to the province as Resdayn in those times. Research has traced the origins of the Dunmer as far back as 4000 years.

Dark Elven warriors favor light armour made from the carapace of insects and covered with a finely woven cloak of spider silk. A turban protects the head and face from the ash of their province as do goggles constructed with transparent resin. While this may make for an outlandish appearance, its nessecity is well appreciated during one of the frequent ash-storms of the Morrowind province. When indoors, however, Dunmeri prefer to wear a variety of richly-colored fabrics with sashes of the clan symbols. Higher ranking Dark Elves occasionally don cumbersome ceremonial costumes made from parts of giant insects.

In the Empire, "Dark Elf" is the common usage, but in their Morrowind homeland, they call themselves the "Dunmer". The dark-skinned, red-eyed Dunmer combine powerful intellect with strong and agile physiques, producing superior warriors, and sorcerers. On the battlefield, Dark Elves are, noted for their skilled and balanced integration of swordsmen, marksmen, and war wizards
(MW Manual)
A small Marksman weapon that can be thrown at opponents for minor damage.
Day of the Dead
A local Daggerfall holiday celebrated on the 13th of Rains Hand suggests the ancestor worship that marked the Breton religion of antiquity.
This magic skill is the mastery of the spell effects of the School of Destruction. Thier spells harm living and undead creatures, and include elemental damage, draining, damaging, vulnerability, and disintegration magical effects. The skill is governed by the user's willpower
(MW Manual)
Direnni Hegemony
A High Elven merchant family known for exploiting the human kingdoms of its time.
Domica Redwort
Domica Redwort is a herb grown by many residents of Valenwood for their beautiful and showy flowers. They attain a height of about three feet and have feathery leaves; the flowers are usually bright red. In addition to their beauty, they are said to have magical abilities to enhance the appearance of anyone who carries or wears one of the flowers. ( From the Special Flora of Tamriel by Hardin ).
Dragon's-Tongue, common name for a fern like herb found in Black Marsh. It is especially prolific around the area of Utherus Swamp. It is a beautiful wildflower. Its name comes from the fire red fronds that protect its golden flower. As pretty as it is, it is a deadly poison to most living beings and needs to be avoided by adventurers. It is said, however, that Argonians can pick the plant and use the sap derived from its roots as an enhancement to their endurance. ( From the Special Flora of Tamriel by Hardin ).
Dres, one of the five Great Houses of Morrowind. rules the southern portions of the province in the fertile Deshaan plains and parts of swamp close to Black Marsh. The Dres are the slave-traders of Morrowind, keeping thousands of captives, mostly Argonians, in their infamous slave-pens of Tear, the Dres capital, and the surrounding plantations.
Drigh R'Zimb
A holiday local to the Iliac Bay region celebrated by on the people of Abibon-Gora on the 1st of Mid Year in honor of the sun, which no normal Redguard worships in this day;
Khajiit for the dark spirits or Daedra.
See Dark Elf.
Refers to the Dark Elves in the province of Morrowind (or simply Dunmer).
Ancient name for the Dwarves, the original inhabitants of the main continent of Tamriel. Legend has it that the Dwarves were the self-exiled Rourken clan of Resdayn, or Morrowind, who refused to make peace with the Dark Elves. The Rourken chieftan threw the Volendrung Hammer across Tamriel and promised to lead his clan whenever the hammer fell, an image which has been depicted in a number of ruins in Hammerfell, or Volenfell as named by the Dwarves. The ruins in Hammerfell, where the Dwarves inhabited for a number of years, unfortunately gives no clue to their aburpt disappearance from the face of Tamriel in 1E 700.

Contrary to many legends, archeological evidence of known Dwemer ruins leads one to believe that the Dwarves were about the same size as the typical human or elf, evidenced by the fact that all existing Dwarven armour is human sized. Imperial excavation of Dwemer ruins and machinery supports the Dlyxexic theory that the translation of Dwemer as Deep Elves might also be read as Smart Elves. Indeed, perhaps the brillant students of the Ehlnofey mentioned in the Anuad are the Dwarves themselves.

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This document was last modified on: Saturday, 19 February 2011, at 09:55:52 and has been accessed 2580 times .