Tamriel Main
The World of Tamriel - Guilds and Orders: T
[the Guilds of Tamriel]
15 February 2011

This page lists the guilds and orders which can be found in the World of Tamriel. Please feel free to send any comments and suggestions, just Contact Me.

Talos Cult
Name of the group who worships the great Tiber Septim, founder of the Empire.

Temple of Kynareth
Our Lady is the Goddess Kynareth whose sphere is the Heavens itself. She is sometimes called the Goddess of Air, the Pure One. It was She who gave the Lords Mail to the Warrior Lord Morihaus to combat the unclean Daedric spirits. By the glory of our Lady, we have become the greatest physicians in Tamriel -- our ability to cure magical and mundane diseases is truly unrivalled. Other temples cure only their own priests, but we are philanthropists. Of course, the Goddess shows special favor on Her own. We do take in new initiates, provided they show devotion to the Goddess and have the skill to make their devotion worthwhile.

Temple of Mara
Temples devoted to the Mother Goddess of Tamriel are called Benevolences, for we are devoted to the charge of uniting all creatures as brethren, childer of Mara. We are intolerant only of those who show intolerance; we hate only those who hate. Mara is our Mother Goddess, and thus she blesses all with the gift of love. Particularly, she favors those who help her followers in Tamriel. For a reasonable donation to our Benevolence, you will be blessed and be forever beloved by he or she who loves you best. Those who devote themselves further to the Mother Goddess are even more blessed. Our priests and priestesses study the greatness of Mara's Tamriel and have learned much. So there is much to share with our initiates who are judged to be true to Mara's calling.

Temple of Stendarr
Our God is the God of Mercy, Stendarr. Some mock our compassion, calling us sentimental fools and tenderhearts. But the truth is that everyone, no matter their strength, crawls to us when Sai, the God of Luck deserts them as he is prone to do. Our gift to the traveller is a simple one -- we heal those who are in pain. For more complicated ailments, diseases and poisonings, we direct you to the Temple of Kynareth. With due respect, for they are the finest apothecaries and we, the finest chirurgeons. If one possesses the desire and aptitude, one may join the Temple. Though we desire to help all Tamrielans, we only possess the means to train and assist a small handful. Sometimes, it is best to begin one's compassion with oneself.

Temple of Zenithar
We are a temple devoted to Zenithar, the God of Commerce and Patron of Merchants and Mercenaries. Long ago, in our movement's birth, our forefathers made us a temple like no other: one meant to be adaptable, but resilient to the storm of time. We are thus called Resolutions, a far more descriptive term than temples. The Resolution of Zenithar favors those who favor us -- we do not choose to hide behind words like donations, gifts, indulgences. In proportion to your payment to the Resolution, your skill in haggling with other merchants will increase, but temporarily. If you wish to increase your skill permanently, you may wish to join the Resolution and meet with our trainers. The invitation to join the Resolution of Zenithar is not open. Only those already possessing a few minimum skills will even be considered. It does not reward us to waste our time with neophytes. If nothing else, we are professionals.

Thieves Guild
The thieves guild is an organization for the gathering and training for those of the stealthly and shadowy nature. Although criminal by its very definition, the local authorities often tolerate the existance of the guild as it's presence greatly descreases, if not eliminates, the unstable or dangerous criminals.

The Thieves Guild, like any trade guild, is an organization of professionals, except the professionals are thieves are robbers and pickpockets and smugglers and other enterprising operators. They don't have public guild halls, but they do tend to gather at a single location--usually a cornerclub or tradehouse--in large towns. Look for guild operatives in Balmora, Sadrith Mora, and Vivec (MW Prophecies).

The Thieves Guild obviously favor all the stealthy type skills such as Marksman, Short Blade, Light Armor, Acrobatics, Sneak, and Security. Favored attributes are Agility and Personality. Relations with other factions of Morrowind and generally poor, with neutral or slightly friendly relations with the Mages Guild and Imperial Cult. Their mortal enemy is the Camonna Tong.

Tribunal Temple
The Tribunal Temple [of Morrowind] is the native religion. They worship three God-Kings, Almalexia, Soth Sil, and Vivec, who are known together as the Tribunal. Most people usually just call it "The Temple". They accept outlanders as members, but few outlanders join except for the services (MW Prophecies).

The Temple favors the skills of Unarmored, Alchemy, Restoration, Mysticism, Conjuration, and Blunt Weapon. The favored attributes are Personality and Intelligence. They maintain less than favorable relations with most of the other guilds of Morrowind, being allies only with the House Redoran and on friendly terms with House Hlaalu.

Twin Lamps
The secret, underground slave recovery and rescue guild of Morrowind. The group helps free slaves and transport them out of Morrowind to safety.

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This document was last modified on: Tuesday, 15 February 2011, at 20:29:14 and has been accessed 2433 times .