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 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 8:33 pm 
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Davie Schaer

Davie didn't want to speak first. So she was silent. Being eager wasn't cool. It was never cool. Though that wasn't something she picked up until like sixth grade. About 4 years too late by her reckoning. She wasn't sure what expression to make at "Dan". She tried neutral, gaze raking the ground for a bit. But then she was afraid that might make it look like she was hiding something. So she met his eye. Which might have been a bit weird, but at least she didn't look like a criminal. When the older, kinda scary looking girl made the first move, she was only too happy to allow it. She almost smiled at the name. Because it was weird like hers. Who called their kid Bofus like?

Then she realised it was a joke. The punchline landing about a second later. She didn't really know what a Bofus was, but she could connect the dots. It was sort of immature really. But she pursed her lips some amount, miming a look of amusement that probably still looked a bit closer to embarrassment. Her gaze hit the floor, just in case they saw the emotion fail to reach her eyes.

We're a long way from Stanford, Toto.

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 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2018 3:04 am 
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Ophelia Grey

Her peers may have been several degrees of amused, but Ophelia was mortified when the comedic equivalent of a brick of plastic explosives went off while she was caught in the secondary blast radius. She tried to appreciate the allegorical shrapnel of humor as it was buried into her brain, as any meme-loving Gen-Z could, but she simply could not.

She had been to public school, she knew what this meant. One kid makes an off-color remark, the police officer or overweight gym teacher or whatever decides to take the whole group as a target of a lecture. Which mean she would have to sit there and be yelled at as part of a whole, or ever worse, called out for being quiet.

The thought of it made her consider fainting as a defense mechanism. She resisted the l'appel du vide and remained upright, instead praying that the cop would let the remark go and be really cool, and hopefully wouldn't go all Smokey and the Bandit (1977) on them.

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:49 am 
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The Sheriff left out a faint "...huh?" under his breath before his eyes narrowed and his expression warped to look as if he'd bitten into something simultaneously bitter and sour and didn't want anyone to notice. "Oh, so that's how you want to play it, huh?" His tone was a lot sharper than before, sounding almost winded, though he was probably just clenching his teeth and fists too hard. "I saw all you delinquent freaks laugh. Yeah, you too. Looking at the floor just makes you look guilty!" He seemed to want to say more, instead grinding his jaw. It looked like he had almost lost his composure completely.

"I'm going to make myself very clear here," he finally continued, a light tremor in his put-on calmed down voice. "If I think even just one of you is mixed up in something fishy? I'm coming for all your asses. I don't know what kind of....things they keep bringing you refuse here for, but nobody's above the law. Not Grouse, not Jones, and especially none of you. You'd do well to remem-"

"What's going on here?" another voice sounded, brisk and decisive, though in a manner so self-assured one had to wonder just what kind of status would lead to such confidence.

"Mr. Grouse I was just in the middle of introducing myself to your new students when-"

"I know what you were doing, Dan," Grouse cut the perplexed Sheriff Drecksau off. At this point he'd walked up to the group, showing himself to be a man in his mid-40s. Almost everything about him seemed immaculate, save for the mismatching shape of his eyes. The contrast was quite sharp; one eye was wide open, the other drooped halfway shut. If it hadn't been for the toned build inside his flashy designer suit, and the on-point salt-and-pepper-modern-man hair, it would have been easy to mistake him for Jeff Bezos.

"It's Sher-"

"Dan. I've already expressely asked that you don't harass my students. As I told you last time, we like to manage our own problems. That's what my school is about. Managing, solving, and transforming problems. Because the way I look at it, there are no problems; only solutions waiting to happen." Everything the guy said sounded like it came from a script that he had memorized in its entirety. Like a bible quoter, except the bible was his business model. "And we help them along. Remind me, outside of that one incident, has any student from Little Hill ever been found guilty of even a minor offense in this town? No, no they haven't. So while I appreciate your....enthusiasm, Dan, I would really prefer if you kept your nose out of our business unless it actually becomes your business. Which it will not, because I and my staff are all professionals who have dedicated their lives to finding the troublemakers with the most talent. To show them how much more they can be. So go along now before I have to call the commisioner, okay?"

The tension of the one-sided exchange lingered in the air ominously, until Sheriff Drecksau exhaled sharply through his nose and turned on his heel. He left without another word as Grouse smirked and turned his attention to the group of to-be students. "Hey everyone. I'm Graham Grouse, your headmaster. Sorry you had to see that, and meet Dan. He's the overzealous, power fantasizing type." He smiled at them as he spoke, though his aura and the way he looked at them clearly communicated that he was looking down on them from a skyscraper's penthouse.

Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
That's why I'm forum posting
On company time

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:08 am 
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June "J.D" Diaz
June smirked as the Sheriff was told off and left with his tail between his legs.

June took a deep breath and looked up at the building, taking in the impressive architecture. She held up her hand, only momentarily to stop any sun glare in her eyes. June had never been out of California before, so the climate of the Pacific Northwest was all new to her. She took her head back down to look at the principle, let out her breath and resumed a more natural posture. "Nice digs Mister Grouse. And thanks for the save. June Diaz. But eh, lotta people just call me J.D."

So we have come to solve every squabble in the village personally?
The last thing you never see

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:49 pm 
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The heavily wrapped teen watched as the Sheriff fell on the landmine. Man he was glad his scarves covered his lower face at this point because the fact he fell for it was funny. A finger rubbed against the now cooling pocket warmer as the adults.. well talked. Ah.. You have failed me pocket warmer. He grumbled silently, fishing it out before idly putting it away in the bag. A brief cough as he looked at Grouse.
"...Is he always like that?" He asked of the headmaster.

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:20 pm 
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The whole presence of the sheriff made Amelie feel uncomfortable and nervous. He wasn't a nice policeman coming to welcome them, no. Instead he was threatening them and calling them names.

Although his speech frightened the girl, it also annoyed her that he was being so nasty for no reason. However, there was no way she was going to dare do anything other than stand there and let her heart beat faster than normal.

She calmed upon the arrival of Mr Grouse. He looked nice; friendly. Amelie couldn't help but stifle a satisfied grin as the teacher put the sheriff in his place.
Her brow furrowed, however, when he referred to the students as 'troublemakers'.
'We aren't troublemakers." She whispered to Willa.

When Dan left and the new arrival introduced himself, she had to press her lips tightly together to suppress a laugh.
Ha. Mr Grouse.

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:26 am 
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Davie Schaer

Davie didn't know who else was looking at the ground. But she was and the heat rose to her cheeks immediately. She stifled some instinctive apologising. That lower lip taken into her mouth in nervous anticipation. If the Sheriff was looking at her she didn't want to look up in turn. Catch his eye. Then she might actually apologise and Christ she wanted friends too bad for that.

Then there was that second voice. She peeked up, slow as if her embarrassment presented a physical weight. He talked a lot like the product specialists she'd seen her dad meet with. It was oddly reassuring and it allowed her gaze to meet his. It washed over him. But in non-creepy way hopefully. Though, she wasn't sure yet if there was a way you looked at the opposite sex without seeming creepy. If there was, she hadn't been told about it.

He was sort of hot in an older man sort of way. Like how George Clooney was hot. Not hot. But definitely hot. Except for the eye. She felt immediately bad for judging but couldn't help it. She dropped her gaze in case she was staring. The mental image which reverberated in her mind kept the guilt pulsating like a bad migraine though. Her cheeks lit up again and her gaze burrowed furiously into the ground.

And then June was speaking again, almost immediately. Like you'd expect. Davie had already begun to manage a dim impression the girl. Though obviously she wouldn't say anything.

Girls like June were cool and you just didn't [&@%!] with cool.

So she just remained silent and sort of glum and just let everyone carry on.

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 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:59 pm 
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Willa Dupont

Willa stood watching the sheriff in all his outrage, her eyes revealing just a trace of concern. He seemed like trouble. Not particularly intelligent trouble, but trouble all the same. Amelie and her would do well to avoid him, that much she knew.

The arrival of Mr. Grouse was a relief; the enemy of my enemy is my friend, that's how the saying goes. Her brow furrowed in unison with Amelie's, though, at the mention of troublemakers.

"We are to some, Ams". She whispered back. Her thoughts wandered to their parents and what they were doing now that their 'problem children' were off to be 'fixed'. She wasn't gonna be fixed; there was never any doubt. She would do whatever it took not to be her parents' perfect child. And she would do everything in her power to keep Amelie from it, too.

Maybe this 'friend' was just a different kind of enemy. She hoped she was wrong.

As the sheriff walked away she felt more uneasy than happy; the way they'd been talked about, by both Drecksau and Grouse, made her uncomfortable. She brought her hand up to where a nazar amulet hung from her neck, and held it clasped around the bead.

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. *clap clap*

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:08 pm 
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Ophelia's legs wobbled slightly for far longer than she had wanted (which was none. No wobbling.), even persisting after the officer's rant that she had so dreaded. When the Richie Rich-looking type began speaking to them, it took a moment for her to snap out of her daze and prevent herself from spacing out entirely. She eventually managed to begin listening partly into his speech; by then she was fortunate enough to get the headmaster's name, and was all too relieved to see the officer depart the small congregation of teens.

She didn't like this man terribly much.

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:12 am 
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Scott already disliked the look of the sheriff before he even started talking.
He felt rage building up as the cop spoke to them.
Who does this guy think he is? Bet he's a dirty cop, I'm gonna give him a piece of...
His thoughts were cut short by the arrival of another man.
The guy was so obviously a teacher; he had that stuffy, stick-up-his-ass look.
Although naturally inclined to dislike the teacher, Scott did like the way he spoke to the sheriff. Could've done with more aggression, maybe a few swear words thrown in, but it did the trick.

"Graham Grouse. Were you named after a cartoon character?" Scott snorted. "Dope."

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:12 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Summer Trinos

“Prick.” Summer uttered after the cop departed and knew she would have to be extra careful around him. She loathed people like that and sensed that he view everyone as potential criminals. In this case, he happened to be right, she was a criminal but she regarded herself as an artist at the tables. I think I may end up framing that prick. Darn cop thinks we are criminals.

Upon realising that she was staring like a halfwit, she blinked her eyes and forced herself to acknowledge the surroundings. The headmaster is talking!? Just nod and smile. Summer nodded and smiled as she half-listened. Whilst freezing her ass off in the weather, the subtle fury of being subjected to a power crazed cop’s lecture started to subside. She realised that the headmaster would want her name and decided that there was no harm in being truthful. That and they contacted her. “C-cold, Trinos. It’s a bit S-summer around h-here.” Summer did not realise what she said as her body language screamed that she was freezing. Tomorrow, find thermals! Tonight, warm up and learn about this place. Then decide when to use the gift to get some fool’s cash.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: Yarrow Run
PostPosted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 8:03 pm 
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Bc I'm tired of PMing this to everyone wondering :P


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